3 More Benefits of Epoxy Coatings

  • Reconditioning
carbon steel corrosion

Storage Tank Corrosion Prevention

In our last blog post we discussed three benefits of epoxy coating, if you haven’t read it already make sure to check it out! Now we are going to discuss three more benefits of epoxy coating, specifically focused around corrosion resistance. Epoxies are a top choice for many industrial coating applications. They provide optimum protection against abrasion, turbulence, cavitation, corrosive fluids and extreme temperatures. Some of the top resistance benefits for processing equipment include:
  • Weather Resistance. Many processing tanks are placed outdoors, which can cause corrosion issues. With epoxy coating your stainless steel tank will be able to withstand extreme temperatures, such as up 390 degrees Fahrenheit. It will also be water resistant. No need to dread the spring, with epoxy coating you will be covered!
  • Impact Resistance. As we discussed in our previous post, epoxy paint is extremely strong and durable, which makes it impact resistant. This means that your coating will not crack, split or fracture on impact.
  • Chemical Resistance Chemical corrosion is common in industrial plants because harmful chemicals are often used for cleaning and machinery operation. An epoxy coating is ideal because it will protect your tank from these harsh chemicals. Don’t let an accidental spill or leak ruin the exterior coating of your tanks!

View Our Inventory of Stainless Steel Equipment

Storage tank corrosion can cause serious issues with production. Not only can it cause contamination, but can lead to massive destruction of a stainless steel tank if left unaddressed. Zwirner Equipment Company is the only used equipment manufacturer to offer epoxy coating as a part of the reconditioning process for no additional charge. If you are interested in more information on epoxy coating, call us at 615.680.3312 or fill out a form.
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