5 Advantages of Vertical Storage Tanks

  • Stainless Steel Tanks
The larger a storage tank you may need, the more likely it will be a vertical tank. Vertical storage tanks have a large number of advantages, from design to the cost of production and beyond. Horizontal tanks have their place as well, but they have different uses. Horizontal tanks generally have more associated costs and materials in comparison to their vertical storage counterparts. The following list shows some of the advantages of storing in stainless steel vertical storage tanks.

1. Stress Distribution

The cylindrical vertical storage tank design provides even pressure distribution due to the elimination of stress points found in horizontal and square tanks. This pressure distribution provides greater strength than a horizontal tank, and contributes to its ability to hold a large amount of product.

2. Stability

One key aspect of the vertical storage tank design is the ability to place the base of the cylinder directly on a solid, flat surface. This provides much better stress distribution than a horizontal tank, which would need special types of support at the bottom and could increase the likelihood of failure. This stability is an excellent benefit of vertical storage tanks, especially for liquids.

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3. Cost Savings for Material and Construction

The greater the diameter of a stainless steel tank, the thicker its walls need to be in order to withstand the pressure. The fact that vertical storage tanks are generally designed to be greater in height than diameter requires the tank walls to be less thick. Less material needed to design and produce the stainless steel tank means that it costs less to manufacture. Only the bottom plate needs to be thicker than the cylindrical walls (this is due to hydrostatic load). A horizontal tank will need an all-around thickness equal to the base plate

4. Increased Efficiency

Another advantage related to its efficient design, the height of a vertical tank has more potential energy which helps reduce pumping cost through the use of gravity. In other words, it generates more hydrostatic head than a horizontal tank.

5. Reduction in Footprint

The space used by vertical storage tanks creates a much smaller footprint, opening up your workspace to more equipment. If your warehouse or production area can support vertical storage tanks, it will save you space to set up more equipment and maximize your space. Overall, the use of a vertical storage tank is advantageous in terms of design, cost efficiency, the footprint, strength, utility and the hydrostatic load efficiency. These stainless steel storage tanks meet the needs of professionals with design and cost benefits surpassing expectations. What other advantages do you find in using vertical storage tanks? If you’re interested in learning more about vertical tanks or other types of stainless steel tanks, contact us today by filling out the form below or giving us a call. Phone IconCall Today
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