How New Technology in the Brewing Industry Can Keep Your Business Competitive

  • Brewing Equipment
  • Industries We Serve
Cans of beer on a conveyor belt at a brewery. Looking back when the brewing industry first began, one thing is certain: We’ve come a long way. As the breweries become more popular throughout the country, more businesses need to find new ways to stay competitive. Advancements in brewery technology is one of the ways breweries can streamline their process and become more profitable. The Brewers Association reports that there are over 7,500 breweries across the U.S. competing against each other. This can make it hard to sell beer and even more challenging to make it. But there has been a boom of brewing advancements that are making small breweries more competitive. It’s gotten to the point where more consumers are expecting the quality beer that only technology and automation can provide. You might have already been aware of the new technology in the brewing industry. But the question is, how can it make your brewery more competitive? When looking to buy brewery equipment, it’s natural to want to know more about new technology before investing in it. In this post, we’re going to explore some brewery technology and the impact it can have on your business.

Making Hops High Tech

There’s no question that hops are an important part of brewing beer. And some of the recent brewing advancements revolve around hop preservation. Recently, a new product called lupulin powder has made its way into the brewing scene. Hops are normally harvested and quickly turned into pellets to preserve their flavor. Lupulin powder is created though a cryogenic separation process. It lets brewers create an intense hop flavor without adding any of the vegetative material that normal hops often have. It can also be more cost-effective depending on the kind of beer you’re making. Lupulin powder lets you use around half of the amount of hops to achieve the same flavor. That means you could produce your beer at a lower cost without compromising flavor.

Changes to the Milling Process

Before the recent brewing advancements, the milling process used to be much more tedious. If anything needed to change when the grain was being crushed, it had to be done through a time-consuming, manual process. Now with computer automation, you can program the mill to change automatically based on the beer you’re making. You can even get specific enough to have the temperatures during mashing change from step to step. While some brewers argue that automation takes away from the art, it has a positive impact on your bottom line. The more precise your milling process is, the less grain is required to make your beer. Automation in your milling process can lower your cost of production.

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Brewery Technology and Packaging

Once you have brewed your beer, you have to package it. When people think about brewing technology, packaging might not come to mind. If you’re canning your beer, you have an idea about how difficult the process can be. The whole idea is to limit how much the beer is exposed to oxygen. Thanks to recent advancements in robotics, it’s now easier to ensure that beer cans are measured and sealed properly. In fact, the latest conveyor belts will even adjust to the speed of the process. So, if there’s anything off, the line will automatically slow down until the problem is addressed. That means a higher quality product for your brewery. Without this technology, it’s harder for brewers to get a handle on how much dissolved oxygen and headspace is in the beer. And this has a direct impact on the shelf life of your beer. After all, less wasted product means more profit for you.

Discover Reconditioned Used Brewing Equipment

Now that you’re inspired by some of the new technology in the brewing industry, it’s time to make some updates to your process. But buying brand new equipment can put a strain on your budget. Did you know that you can get more value from buying used brewing equipment? At Zwirner Equipment Company, we recondition used brewing equipment. You’ll be able to improve your production process while making your money go further. After all, in a competitive industry like brewing, every dollar counts. We’re here to provide the brewing equipment you need at a cost you can afford.

Explore Zwirner Equipment’s Inventory of Used Brewing Equipment Today

If you’re interested in improving or expanding your brewery’s production, we’re here to help. Take a look at our current inventory to get started. And be sure to stay in touch. We’re always updating our inventory of commercial brewing equipment for sale. If you have any questions or need a custom solution for your brewery, fill out a contact form or give us a call today. Our expert team will guide you through the process of finding the best used beer brewing equipment for sale. Phone IconCall Today
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