Choosing Between Vertical and Horizontal Tanks

  • Stainless Steel Tanks
Storage tanks are required for a wide range of manufacturing and processing applications, and they represent a significant purchase for any company. That is why it is important to understand the available options and their best-use applications. One of the most impactful decisions you’ll have to make is whether to purchase a horizontal or vertical tank. Both designs have benefits and drawbacks depending on their intended use, and you should understand these details prior to purchase and implementation. Here are some of the characteristics of this equipment that you will need to consider before making a purchase.
  • Stability: Typically, vertical chemical storage tanks provide more stability than horizontal tanks. The design includes a wide base that is installed on a flat, solid surface. A horizontal storage tank can only offer similar stability if special supports are constructed to hold the tank in place, increasing the overall expense as well as the potential for an accident.
  • Space/Height Restrictions: Vertical tanks typically require less floor space, making them the better solution for smaller areas. Conversely, one of the most significant benefits of horizontal storage tanks is that they are not as tall, making them more appropriate for small, enclosed spaces with low roofs or ceilings, where they can be utilized as header tanks.
  • Pressure Distribution: Vertical tanks may also represent a more advantageous choice regarding pressure distribution. The cylindrical vertical storage tank inherently has fewer points of stress, allowing for a more even distribution of pressure. Therefore, vertical tanks can store higher volumes of liquid without sacrificing safety protocols.
  • Cost: Horizontal water storage tanks are usually more costly than vertical tanks. This is due to their larger diameter, and therefore need thicker walls to operate in a safe manner. A vertical tank requires less material and is, therefore, cheaper to manufacture. (Did you know that reconditioned tanks – whether vertical or horizontal – can represent significant cost savings over new tanks? Read more about the durability of stainless-steel tanks here.)
  • Weatherproofing: If the tank will be exposed to outdoor weather elements, it is generally safer to select a horizontal tank for your application. Horizontal tanks have less potential to be knocked over by strong winds – although a horizontal tank will necessitate a base to keep it stable in severe weather conditions as well.
  • Transportation Considerations: A horizontal tank is transported more easily as it can be loaded onto a truck more efficiently. However, if your business plan requires the transport of water or gas on a regular basis, it may be more practical to purchase a specialized transport tank.

Stainless Steel Tanks by Application

Horizontal storage tanks are used to store liquids or gas, providing an airtight and anti-corrosive container when manufacturing or processing oil, chemicals, and some foods. They are also used in transportation and national defense. A vertical storage tank will often store acid, alcohol, gas, and other refined chemicals. However, both types of tanks can be utilized in virtually any industry, and your selection may depend more on your space, building, and transport needs. Zwirner Equipment Company sells reconditioned storage equipment, both vertical and horizontal. Our professional process ensures that you purchase a durable, strong, and high-quality tank that will perform just as well as a much more expensive new tank. The best way to choose between a vertical or horizontal storage tank is to speak with an expert who can listen to your requirements and help you make the more practical choice. The team at Zwirner Equipment invites you to browse our inventory and then call us to discuss your requirements.
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